Celebration of 150 Anniversary Birthday of USUI Mikao, founder of Reiki
Celebration of 150 Anniversary Birthday of USUI Mikao, the founder of Reiki
Komyo Reiki Retreat: Calling All Reiki Masters/ Teachers
The Reiki Blog The online home of Red Dog Reiki (expressed by Komyo Reiki Shihan Ellen Phillips) Calling all Reiki Master/Teachers. April 30, 2013 Posted by ourfriendben in Reiki, Reiki wisdom. Tags: Dai Bosatsu Zendo, Hyakuten Inamoto, Hyakuten Inamoto-sensei, Komyo...
The Road to Komyo Reiki Retreat: Meals at Zendo
The daily schedule of the monastery is posted on a bulletin board outside the dining room. A typical day begins at 5 am and ends at 9 pm.... Without fail, the meal gong is struck precisely at 7:15 am for breakfast and 1:00 pm for lunch. Ready or no, the head cook must...
The Empty Mirror, a book to share: About a student of Zen
A dear friend of mine gave this book as a present when we are all students of Zen. This book is also one of the books in the Library of Dai Bosatsu Zendo. The Empty Mirror Book has a lot of impact on all of us, who are doing the same practice. We can relate the...
KOMYO REIKI & DEEDS, to ponder
Hyakuten Inamoto Sensei (Founder of Komyo Reiki Kai) emphasizes again and again the importance of DEEDS : What you think, What you say, What you do, Mental, verbal & bodily DEEDS, All which make you a good Reiki Practitionner They are inter-related most of the...
Komyo Reiki Retreat: About Zen, Zendo Hall
https://www.facebook.com/#!/komyoreiki.zen This is where monks, residents and retreat participants do ZAZEN, sitting meditation.
Period of Silence…Reiki Healing
Away from the familiar world to attend a parent who needs care. Reiki Healing helps me tremendously when I was emotionally and psychologically touched by a suffering of a parent. Seeing one of my parents in pain and in sickness reflect on me, as I, my body can be in...
New Year’s wish…Reiki Healing to…
Reiki Healing to Blue Planet called EARTH and it's inhabitants...
Unique opportunity to learn & practice Komyo Reiki in authentic Japanese Monastery
Don't miss this opportunity to gather with fellow Komyo Reiki Shihans, to learn and practice Enlightenment Reiki, practice giving Reiju(Reiki attunement in Japanese Reiki) , in this serene and zen like setting of Dai Bosatsu Zendo.
Unique opportunity to learn & practice Komyo Reiki in Japanese Monastery (Images)