The number 222222
22/02/2020 is a palindrome – it reads the same backwards, forwards.
Spiritually, palindromes means ‘to go back to the beginning’ or ‘you have to go back to go forward. Can you believe in this moment when it means ‘to go back to the beginning’ or ‘to go forward’. Palindromes also represent proportional and balance.
စကြာဝဠာမှ စွမ်းအင်တုန်ခါမှုများသည် 22222 သင်္ကေတအဓိပ္ပါယ်အားဖြင့် သင့်ထံမှ အထူးသတင်းတစ်ခုရှိသည်။ နံပါတ် 22 သည် အားကောင်းသည်ကို သတိပြုသင့်သည်။ ဒါဟာ မင်းရဲ့အိပ်မက်တွေ လက်တွေ့ဖြစ်လာတဲ့အကြောင်း ပြောပြတယ်။ အတိအကျပြောရရင် မင်းဖြတ်သန်းဖူးတာတွေ အများကြီးရှိတယ်။

Teaching Komyo Reiki in Singapore & Myanmar
A Very first Komyo ReikiDo Myanmar classes in Singapore
Transformational-destination Retreat for Reiki Teachers Practitioners
No-one argues Myanmar(Burma) isn't one of the world most exciting destination. Why Reiki Retreat in Myanmar... Previous Komyo Reiki Retreats were held in Dai Bosatsu Zendo in Catskills, New York. Last retreat was in 2015 to celebrate 150 Anniversary of Usui Sensei,...

USUI Mikao, 150 Birthday Anniversary
Once, a Buddhist monk mentions in his blessing prayers for birthday, “Celebrating Birthday” means wishing for long & happy life. Celebrating Usui’s Sensei’s birthday is a celebration & giving thankfulness, gratitude to Reiki Healing Art or Method called “ USUI...
Komyo Reiki Retreat: What is the Sound of Silence by Red Dog Reiki
In memory of Shihan Sister, Ellen Phillips, Elly. This is her last writing on her Blog. I will miss her and her rare talent of writing. And she will be with all of us in this retreat, in spirit. What is the sound of silence? January 20, 2015 Posted by ourfriendben in...

Komyo Reiki Retreat: Nurturing the Nurturers
Komyo Reiki Retreat is for Reiki Masters Teachers/Reiki Practitioners, Healers, Health care Professionals, Nurses. We live in the world of distractions, gadget oriented life and constant external solicitation, the only way to go within is to withdraw from the world of...

USUI Mikao, 150 Birthday Anniversary_ Komyo Reiki Retreat 2015
With deepest gratitude, we invite you to join Komyo Reiki Meditation and Healing Retreat in Dai Bosatsu Zendo, a Zen monastery located deep in the Catskill mountains, near Livingston Manor, New York. Komyo Reiki Shinpiden (Reiki...

150 Anniversary- Reiki Community in Peace & Harmony
Pondering on celebrating 150th Birthday Anniversary of USUI, Mikao, founder of Reiki, all Reiki practitioners of all lineages are invited to 2015 Komyo Reiki Retreat. It is time to have Peace & Harmony within Reiki Community. The teachings of Hyakuten Inamoto,...
Komyo Reiki Zen- Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year 2015
Thank You Sensei, for your New Year's wishes....And So Be It. The Passage to New Year 2015 began with Sangha members in Shobo-Ji, zendo in New York, doing Zazen, chanting EMMEI JUKKU KANNON GYO ( Ten Phrase Life-Prolonging Kannon Sutra) 108 times and sharing potluck...
What is Komyo Reiki?
Direct translation of Komyo Reiki is Enlightenment Reiki. Komyo Reiki is a gateway to spiritual awakening and to SATORI. Komyo Reiki is a "Hayashi Shiki (style) Usui Reiki Ryoho". Komyo Reiki is a "keep-it-simple" Reiki system and practice. The practice motto of Komyo...
Celebration of 150 Anniversary Birthday of USUI Mikao, founder of Reiki
Celebration of 150 Anniversary Birthday of USUI Mikao, the founder of Reiki